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Evening visit of the parachutists‘ crypt (A tour in English)

Evening visit of the parachutists' crypt (A tour in English)

Buy tickets = „Koupit vstupenky“

A visit of the dark crypt with candles, just like they were used by the heroic parachutists

Where? National Memorial to the Heroes of the Heydrich Teror. The enter from the corner of Resslova and Na Zderaze street (3 minutes from metro station Karlovo náměstí). Meeting point is at the iron bars by the church stairs.

What can you expect?

You will see the place where the last fight of the parachutists took place on 18th June 1942

  • You will get to know how this fight was going in the church and in the crypt, including  seeing the remnants after the battle
  • You will experience the church’s underground just like the parachutist, who were hiding there for three weeks
  • You will hear myths and current historical facts about the assasination of Heydrich, as well as the biggest differences between history and movies

Adults – 320 Kč with a pre-bought ticket
Students a seniors (65+) – 240 Kč with a pre-bought ticket
Children under 12 years have a free enter.

You cannot attend this tour without a ticket. Vouchers cannot be applied for this tour.

Tour lenght: 2 hours

Terrain suitable for a baby carriage: no
Terén suitable for  a wheelchair user: no

Tour guide: Jana Raila Hlavsová


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Příspěvek má 2 komentářů

  1. Luciana
    | |

    Dobrý den,
    I’m really interested in this tour. When is going to be?
    Thank you,

    1. Aneta Šeráková
      Aneta Šeráková
      | |


      unfortunatelly we do not have a set date for this tour at the moment.

      Thank you for your understanding.

      Best regards,

      PN Team

Komentáře nejsou pro tento typ obsahu povoleny.