Mysteriousnightbrought aspecial atmospherealso to churchesinNew Town…
Holy Trinity Churchin Spalena (Burnt)street is a baroquebuildingof1713 designed by OctaviaBroggiosignificant Czech architect, Italian origin, who workedmainly in northern Bohemia. The church isby special wayincorporatedinto theold buildingsof New Town.Beautifulbaroquefacadeis turningintoBurntStreet, while thechancelof the churchand the towercan be foundin the Magdalena Rettig street.
To the right ofthe church we can find abeautifulblend ofbaroque andcubism.It is abaroquestatueof St. John of Nepomukfrom 1723in Cubistframing.It is generallyconsidered that theBaroqueandcubismresonatewellwith each other. The House of the BlackMadonna inCeletnastreet might be an example.
Church of St. Michael in Jirchare was originalyaromanesqueparishchurchwhichtrackslead upto 11thcentury. The church was actually the parishchurch ofthe villageOpatovice at the time of its inception,later the churchwas incorporatedinto the NewTown. Ther was built a baroque tower in the front in 1717.